Legacy of Lions: Brick & Boardwalk Campaign
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Legacy of Lions: Pave the Way for Sunset High's Revival with École Saint-Landry's Brick & Boardwalk Campaign
Calling all former Sunset High Lions, school families, and friends of les lions of École Saint-Landry! We're finally embarking on our journey to renovate the iconic Sunset High School building into our upper elementary campus, and we need your help to make that dream a reality!
Breakdown of figures:
Cost of complete rehabilitation: $5.7 million
Estimated completion of project: Summer 2025
Percentage our school must raise on its own: 100%
Total number of students at École Saint-Landry: 175 (and adding 70 students per year)
Total percentage of students considered economically disadvantaged: 63.2%
Percentage of courses taught in French: 90%
Full French Immersion Campuses in Louisiana (including École Saint-Landry): 3

Legacy Bricks are $75 per brick for this first launch (1000 bricks), but the price will increase to $125 for future campaigns. Our selected brick color is Regimental Red Full Range (see below), and bricks will be etched in the font of Futura (upper/lower case).
You can have up to three lines and up to 20 characters per line. If you're not quite sure what you should engrave on your brick, see the images below for examples. Foreign language characters are allowed.
To Order Legacy Bricks
If you live in the USA, Click HERE TO ORDER ONLINE or click HERE to print an order form and mail in a check. You can also pick up a pre-printed form at École Saint-Landry (671 Napoleon Ave in Sunset) or at the Sunset Library (235 Marie Street in Sunset).
If you live outside of the USA, please click HERE to order your brick.

Color: Regimental Red Full Range

Boardwalk Planks
Boardwalk planks are $500. There are only 100 planks available. Our boards contain a 40 character limit (including spacing).
To Order Boardwalk Planks
Click HERE TO ORDER ONLINE or click HERE to print an order form and mail in a check. You can also pick up a pre-printed form at École Saint-Landry (671 Napoleon Ave in Sunset) or at the Sunset Library (235 Marie Street in Sunset).

Our boardwalk is inspired by Moncus Park in Lafayette.
Left/first photo courtesy of The Advocate. Photo by Leslie Westbrook.
Top/second photo courtesy of The Rolling Pin, LLC.
Both business and private individuals/families are invited to purchase a brick or plank.
If interested in donating to one of our other fundraisers, such as our annual giving campaign or our playground fundraiser, please click HERE.
For more information, contact École Saint-Landry at info@ecolestlandry.org or by calling 337-510-3022.