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Learn French as a Parent or Help Your Child Get a Jump-Start on French Immersion Education

If you as a parent or guardian are interested in learning French to converse with your child in his or her new school language, or just to help with homework, or better communicate with the teachers, here are some resources for you:

Apprendre Franco-Fun

This website offers individual classes for all ages, and also a two-person class so students can either study with a sibling online or with another French student, virtually, anywhere else in the world as a virtual pen pal! 

Alliance Française Lafayette

Alliance Française Lafayette offers group and individual classes, as well as special classes in Cajun or Louisiana Creole French, and occasionally also French classes for parents of French immersion students. 

Apps for Your Smartphone or Tablet

There are a number of language-learning apps you and your children can use at home to learn French or to make faster progress. Why not start learning together over the summer, for example, to help your child get ready for school? Different apps exist for different people's learning styles, so you'll have to find the one that works best for you, but we've used Duolingo and Babble and are happy with them.

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